The Farmville Herald editor thinks the $3.5 that Dominion is giving to Buckingham is the right thing to do, that it is benevolent. Huh. Why would you have to say that – is there doubt that it is benevolent? See the article of Wednesday February 17. We think it isn’t – benevolent. Dominion has been buying votes for years now, to keep people from pushing back against their dominating, polluting ways. Its in the corporate playbook. We wonder what sacrifices, quid pro quo [we all know those words now], they will ask of us, now and further on down the road. Check out Energy & Policy Institute’s assessment of Dominion’s so called charitable giving – to influence politics and win favors.
“This is quite a contrast from the picture painted of Dominion Energy by the environmentalists that opposed the ACP project,” says the editor of the Herald…
Irene Leech has been actively pursuing return of easements for all landowners along the ACP route. Thank you Irene! See Farmville Herald Opinion Editorial: “What about the easements” Friday February 19, 2021. Dominion is holding onto easements that were for a project that was deemed in the public interest. Now that it is defunct, well its time to give them back already! Let alone the damages incurred by the years of time and energy some landowners put into negotiating…
Also… 2 years ago, February 19, 2019, Friends of Buckingham and friends organized an event at Buckingham Middle School, hosting Reverend Barber II, Al Gore, and many other luminary activists, uplifting our quest to be free from Dominion’s ill conceived 600 mile fracked gas pipeline. Revisit that event at Facebook.