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DEQ Fines Energix Renewable Energies over $150,000 for Violations
DEQ fines Energix Renewable Energies over $150,000 for environmental violations— further damaging its reputation in Virginia. Citing Energix violations of some 75 legal requirements of the State Water Control Law, permits, and regulations, the Virginia Department of...
Retrospective: EJ played a pivotal role with the ACP
Lakshmi Fjord recounts the pivotal role environmental justice played in the cancellation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Learning how to fight environmental injustice through legal evidence became Friends of Buckingham’s specialty and major work leading to the...
Industrial solar projects mega impacts to our land, water, climate
Thanks to Scott Flood for gathering this information, sharing this article. At this time, there is an enormous onslaught of industrial solar that is expected to overtake 200,000 to 300,000 acres in Virginia. Central and Southside are being targeted for many of the...
Industrial solar fields: Big is Bad, Small is Beautiful
Thanks to Scott Flood for the updates around the state on how industrial solar is going - not so well. Photo: Spotsylvania industrial solar field Mecklenburg County Board denies Antler’s Road solar project appeal...
Industrial solar mega projects failures and what could be in store for the James River
Thanks to Scott Flood for this article and keeping us alert to these pressing concerns. On November 14, 2022, EPA and DOJ announced 1.34 million in settlements to resolve Clean Water Act violations at four large-scale solar construction sites in Alabama, Idaho and...
Permit hearing: Riverstone LLC industrial solar facility
This article is in 4 parts. Part #1: updates and summary of the industrial scale Riverstone Solar project in Buckingham, southeast of Scottsville. Part #2 is the information about the upcoming public meeting on Tuesday June 7, 6 pm at the Buckingham VFW. Part #3 is a...
State panel studies potential impact of gold mining in Virginia
The State Agency gold mining study work group meeting on Monday May 16 caught the attention of Joe Dashiell, senior reporter for WDBJ7 TV out of Roanoke and Richmond. Joe managed to distill well the essentials of the advisements of speaker Steve Emerman. From the...
Two Solar power articles – good coverage
Five takeaways from the landmark Virginia Solar Survey Report on solar’s spread is first of its kind in Virginia After a slow start, solar has been booming in Virginia. From having zero large-scale solar farms in 2015, the commonwealth now has 51 in operation, with...
The Virginia EnvironmentalJustice Collaborative’s (VEJC) annual “ON CURRENT WATCH” W 3/9, 11 AM
Support our efforts towards achieving environmental justice in Virginia. VEJC's purpose is to identify environmental justice communities across the state, to develop EJ leadership, to provide room at the table for these organizations in statewide policy discussions...
Utility Solar Vs. Community Solar
What are the pros and cons to Utility Scale Solar versus Community Solar? Many communities are facing these challenges as we move to decarbonize our energy sources. There have been a couple of community scale solar permits passed in Buckingham recently. The large,...