Utility Solar Vs. Community Solar

Feb 28, 2022 | Solar

What are the pros and cons to Utility Scale Solar versus Community Solar? Many communities are facing these challenges as we move to decarbonize our energy sources. There have been a couple of community scale solar permits passed in Buckingham recently. The large, utility scale permits are facing much opposition.

Monday, February 28, the Buckingham Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Riverstone Solar Farm project. Many residents see the county is moving too fast to ensure this is done to maximize benefits and minimize harms to the County.

Buckingham County has done the unusual, and has a special page on their website for this project:

There have been a flurry of articles by very concerned Buckingham folks, and more.

Buckingham needs more study of solar farm.

A 2,000-acre solar energy farm could provide Buckingham County with a welcome revenue stream. But it could also injure the county’s farm land and forests and create run-off into the James River. That’s why a Buckingham Board of Supervisors’ vote on a special use permit for the project scheduled for tonight should be delayed. Questions need to be answered for county residents before—not after—approving the project.

Daily Progress article, February 27, 2022.  Opinion/editorial

“Dark Side of the Sun?”

Check out this webinar on YouTube (2 hours), sponsored by the League of Women Voters (LWV): After the introduction, Dan Holmes of Piedmont Environmental Council is up first, talking about the impacts of Utility Scale Solar and Community Scale.  February 15, 2022

Citizens for Responsible Solar

Check them out here.

Farmville Herald articles: 

1 Comment

  1. Hanuman

    Thank you. We must pay attention to the facts.
    We can’t afford to destroy our environment as we try to save it.


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