Buckingham Planning Commission hear from County attorney on local metallic mining options

May 19, 2023 | Gold Mining

Buckingham County attorney EM Wright presented information at a work session on May 15 on options for the Planning Commission to consider for local regulation of metallic mining. Check out this clear coverage by Brian Carlton of the Farmville Herald below.



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Please show up to the next Planning Commission monthly meeting on Monday, May 22, 6 pm. Sign up for public comment is 5:30-5:55 pm.

Please encourage them to hear from mining experts that we have been so fortunate to learn from and are willing to offer their consultation to Buckingham County pro bono. Their first meeting they heard from local industry that advised them that all is well in the mining world and stay the course – no need for changes. Please express your concern that they have gotten off track! Please encourage them to hear from the experts what has worked in other communities and recommend strong regulations to the supervisors.

You could remind them that we need to have simple permitting requirements in place for all exploratory work for mining so that we know if there is an activity in the county, let alone oversight of the activity such as proper closure of drill holes, records of when and where the core drilling took place.

Thank you for taking the time to show you care. It does matter that they know we care and are willing to do something to help.

Photo: May Fest 2023, Buckingham Historic Village

1 Comment

  1. Kenda Hanuman

    Thank you.
    We must continue to stay aware.


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