This post has excellent coverage by 2 videos and Planning Commission report. A short video on the Colorado campaign to ban gold mining. And Mining 101 by Earthworks. Alexa Massey, for the Farmville Herald continues to do excellent reporting, making sense out of Buckingham government meetings that are sorting through a complicated morass of our inability to say no to big bad dirty business.
Summitville Mine Disaster: State Preemption of Heap-Leaching Ban
Dr. Colin Henderson, co-founder of Alliance for Responsible Mining, tells how state preemption of Heap-leach mining bans enacted by Colorado’s Summit, Gunnison, Gilpin, Conejos and Costilla counties legalizes destruction of nature in the name of state-interest. Brought to you by:
Colorado Community Rights Network and NationalCommunityRightsNetwork
The Dirty Truth about Modern Cyanide Gold Mining
Friends of the Inyo sponsor Bonnie Gestring, the Northwest Program Director for Earthworks, who presents on modern mining techniques and their perils for the local communities and the environment.
Planning Commission Meeting, Monday November 23, 2020 Report
Alexa Massey has been cranking out consistently excellent reporting on the Buckingham County government meetings – often when we are left scratching our heads as to what exactly happened. Her article, “No action taken on mining dilemma” is attached here as a pdf, or by linking to the Farmville Herald.
We’re not alone.