Deborah Kushner knows firsthand how a date, person or event can serve as a defining moment, splitting life into “before” and “after.”
ForKushner, a resident of eastern Nelson County andher Nelson neighbors, that milestone is the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
There was Nelson County before the pipeline.“Boy, that was a different age,” she said. “The pre-pipeline age.”And there’s now, when hundreds of residents continue to battle the project.Some, like Afton resident Joyce Burton, have gone from full- to part-time work to have more time for the pipeline fight.
Others, like Kushner and Afton resident Eleanor Amidon, have traveled to Richmond multiple times. They’ve networked with other Virginia opponents and, along with hundreds of others, attended a key State Water Control Board meeting this month that culminated in conditional approval for a permit that governs pipelinewater crossings in the commonwealth.
“We have never seen this kind of uprising of people in this state on an environmental issue,” David Sligh, an environmental attorney, former DEQ engineer, conservation director for Wild Virginia and investigator for the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch following the board’s Dec. 12 decision.
Nelson County Times – Emily Brown – 12.27.17
Posted by: Nelson Bailey