Nuns on the Bus Leader to Hold Rural Roundtable in Dillwyn

Nov 22, 2019 | Events, Press Releases, Spiritual Ecology

NETWORK Continues Nationwide Series of Rural Roundtables in Virginia

VIRGINIA — Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice and leader of Nuns on the Bus will meet with residents and community leaders from around Virginia in NETWORK’s fourteenth in a national series of Rural Roundtables in Dillwyn on Friday, November 22.


For over 45 years, NETWORK has been working to “Mend the Gaps” in federal policy to advocate for the 100% in our nation. NETWORK will live out its continued support for the 100% by spending 2019 listening to and learning from the experiences of those who live in rural areas. It is essential that there be rural perspectives considered on the federal level if we are to create any healing in our nation.


Details for the event are included below:


What: NETWORK’s Virginia Rural Roundtable

When: November 22 at 12:00pm EST

Where: Frida’s Mexican Restaurant, 15960 N. James Madison Highway, Dillwyn, VA 23936


“When you look at a map of where healthcare, education, and the economy are all in trouble in our nation, what you see is that rural America is struggling,” said Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice, which is launching a yearlong series of Rural Roundtables across the country. “I’m a city girl, so I don’t claim to know the answers to the rural challenges. But through Nuns on the Bus, I learned that local experience is the best teacher. We need to be educated. So NETWORK is launching a year of intensive listening so we can educate Members of Congress about the rural reality. We have to learn from the experience of folks on the ground in rural communities. We need to understand not just their challenges, but also the innovative solutions they’ve created.”

Sister Simone Campbell and local partners are available for interview before and after the event.



NETWORK – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. NETWORK has a 46-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.


Lee Morrow | | 202-601-7871

Other fun and informative choice picks featuring Sister Simone

Vimeo     The On Being Project
In the Room with Sr. Simone Campbell and Krista Tippett (Live Stream)

Sr. Simone Campbell is best known for the initiative she started, Nuns on the Bus. She joined the order of the Sisters of Social Service at the age of 19, became a lawyer, and eventually a lobbyist working for the rights of the poor on Capitol Hill. She has become a new kind of public face for women religious in the 21st century, respected across the political aisle for her passion, intelligence, and wisdom.

YouTube video      Thursday, September 24, 2015: Coming Together in Faith on Climate at the National Cathedral
At 36 minutes Sister Simone begins her talk.

Photo: Hanuman, Sue Miles, Marie Gillespie, Heidi Dhivya Berthoud, Chad Oba, Suzanne Keller, Sister Simone, Catherine Gillette [NETWORK Grassroots Mobilization Coordinator], Ella Rose, Ada Washington, Marine Smith  Missing: Swami Dayananda and Annie Ramsay





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