Press Release: FoB to celebrate their 10-year anniversary

Nov 12, 2024 | Latest News, News, Press Releases

November 12, 2024

Chad Oba, 434-806-6332,  

Kenda Hanuman, 434-969-1586,

Friends of Buckingham to celebrate their 10-year anniversary

The all-volunteer organization helped defeat the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Diillwyn, Va. — On November 16th from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Buckingham Community Center, the non-profit Friends of Buckingham will celebrate their 10-year anniversary. The community organization was an integral part of the fight to stop the construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and the Buckingham compressor station. After the cancellation of the ACP, they worked to create barriers for large-scale gold mining in Virginia and have a current focus on water and landscape protections within the county. Since forming in 2014, Friends of Buckingham has also worked with both regional and national partners to advance environmental justice efforts.

The November 16th celebration will include the annual Friends of Buckingham meeting, live music from Joshua Vana, refreshments and shared memories and images from the 10 years of the organization. In-person attendees may RSVP here, and remote attendees may register to attend via Zoom.

The free and open to the public event will highlight the hard work of previous and current members of Friends of Buckingham and will celebrate the next chapter for the organization. 

WHO: Friends of Buckingham leaders and members, members of the public 

WHAT: Annual Friends of Buckingham meeting followed by live music and celebration

WHERE: Buckingham Community Center, 16266 N James Madison Hwy, Dillwyn, VA 23936 

WHEN: Saturday, November 16, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m


The mission of the Friends of Buckingham is to protect the natural environment and cultural heritage of Buckingham County.

 For more information visit



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