Survey Finds GOP Voters Overwhelmingly Favor Renewables, Clean Energy

Dec 10, 2016 | Renewables, Solar, Wind

December 9, 2016 – Dan Heyman, Public News Service (VA)

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A new poll finds strong support among conservatives for policies supporting renewables and clean energy, and waning support for coal and nuclear power. (Evan Hansen)
A new poll finds strong support among conservatives for policies supporting renewables and clean energy, and waning support for coal and nuclear power. (Evan Hansen)

RICHMOND, Va. – President-elect Donald Trump’s position on renewables and clean energy is worrying environmentalists – but according to a new national poll, his voters strongly favor them.

The post-election survey found that nearly 90 percent pf all voters support more government action to speed up the shift to clean energy. Mark Pischea, executive director of the Conservative Energy Network, which commissioned the survey, said that includes 2-to-1 support by conservatives. He said the Republican Party shouldn’t ignore these results.

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