The Virginia EnvironmentalJustice Collaborative’s (VEJC) annual “ON CURRENT WATCH” W 3/9, 11 AM

Mar 7, 2022 | Environmental Justice, Racial Social Justice

Support our efforts towards achieving environmental justice in Virginia. VEJC’s purpose is to identify environmental justice communities across the state, to develop EJ leadership, to provide room at the table for these organizations in statewide policy discussions and to share resources.  We are On Current Watch!  Wednesday March 9 at 11 AM. Our monthly meeting will continue at noon immediately following On Current Watch!


Join an Awesome Panel of Advocates Discussing Environmental Justice Issues. The Virginia EnvironmentalJustice Collaborative’s (VEJC) annual “ON CURRENT WATCH” virtual symposium is designed to help amplify community voices faced with environmental challenges in 2022. Legislation is circulating to challenge environmental justice gains, as citizens call for more rigorous review and protections. Learn about threats as well as strengths of community to approach these matters.

NOTE: Our very own Kenda Hanuman is on the panel.

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1 Comment

  1. Kenda Hanuman

    Thank you for spreading this. It will be a helpful look at what up. 🙂


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