ACP WIN zoom celebration 7-30-2020 NOW its a Done Deal

Aug 3, 2020 | Compressor Stations, Events

A fun, fine, joyful and tearful time was had by all. Friends of Buckingham wishes heartfelt, deep gratitude to our extended family of allies for all the amazing 6 years of collaborations, highs, lows, good times n bad. We weathered it all, and proved ourselves worthy opponents of the big, the bad and the ugly power companies, who served to make us stronger with each hurdle. “A good enemy” they were and still are. We know we cannot return to past normalcy, with our eyes and hearts broken open as they are. Rest, yes, but then there’s the next insult to face by joining hands across the land again and again.

Enjoy the video recording of the Victory Party on Thursday July 30, 2020 with heartfelt sharings and fabulous songs that buoyed and inspired us, created from the power of the depths of angst and conviction to fight to protect our water, air, land and communities.

We are a new people
We are an old people
We are the same people, deeper than before

I am one with the earth and sun
Forever, forever, and ever

Spiraling into the center, the center of the wheel
Spiraling into the center, the center of the wheel

We are the weavers, we are the woven ones
We are the singers, we are the song

We are the weavers, we are the woven ones
We are the dreamers, we are the dream

We are the streams, we are the drops of rain
We are the rivers, we are the ocean

We are the sisters, we are the brothers
We are all one family, we are all neighbors

One heart, one love
One people, one planet

We are all standing in the same sunlight


  1. Peggy Sims

    So glad for this victory against the ACP and this celebration. I’ve met many wonderful people along the way .

    • dhivya1008

      Hi Peggy,

      Thanks for your words of support. Nothing like trouble to bring people together, test us, and bring out the best in all of us. Oh yes, we fell, but we got back up again, as the cause is existential, noble and worthy. We know what it takes to turn the tides… Heidi Dhivya


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