Action Needed! Please Write FERC  Tell them: No Way! Time’s up

Jun 28, 2020 | Events, FERC communications | 2 comments

Dominion has asked FERC for a 2 year extension on its expiring certificate to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Without the extension, No ACP construction could happen after October 13, 2020.

Submit your comments to FERC by 5 pm on Thursday, July 2, 2020, asking FERC to DENY Dominion’s request for an extension! Be sure to cite the ACP docket number in your comments, CP15-554.

In their June 17 Notice of Request for Extension of Time, FERC says, “The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments, protests and interventions in lieu of paper using the “eFiling” link at unable to file electronically should submit an original and three copies of the protest or intervention to the Federal Energy regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426.” Note that comments sent in paper must also arrive at FERC by 5 pm on July 2.
ABRA has put together a helpful sheet of information on how to file with FERC as an individual or as an organization.
For talking points, see:
The eight permits the ACP is still missing are explained here.
Read more about this and other topics on Friends of Nelson website

Thanks to Friends of Nelson for this article!


  1. Jack

    If it were us and we were held up by someone on a big project that was outside of our control I think I would want an extension. I also heard if they don’t build this the power companies will have to continue burning coal to create the electricity needed. Is this true? Do you know?

    • dhivya1008

      Hi Jack,

      Please see this article on the many permits still missing for the ACP.
      This project has been very poorly managed from the start. When asked how they came up with the route – we were told that an engineer drew a line from point A to point B, thus not adapting to the extremely challenging terrain of the mountains. This kind of pipeline is more ‘suitable’ to a level terrain. This is one of oh so many arguments against this project.

      Energy sources are a choice. We are rooting for renewables and conservation as the clean green options that have not been given the huge government welfare that the coal, nuclear, oil and gas industry have long enjoyed, all paid for over and over again by you and me.


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